Tanzaroo Community Library Project developed from the realisation that in Tanzania, libraries that can be accessed free-of-charge by the general public are virtually non-existant. Children have to learn to read from a blackboard, without storybooks to practise. Students suffer from the lack of reference books available. Teachers work without any resources to help them. Adults who have literacy skills can barely afford to buy a newspaper let alone a book to read. Internet cafes are expensive and most people don't have the skills to effectively search for information online.

The project was started by Taryn Kelly. Taryn is a librarian who currently works at Richmond - Upper Clarence Regional Library in Casino, NSW, and previously at TAFE Western (Dubbo College Library) and Macquarie Regional Library in Dubbo. She worked for 2 years in Tanzania as librarian at The School of St Jude and witnessed first-hand the students' excitement when it was time for library class - and their joy upon learning they could take library books home to read.

In Australia, we tend to take library services and books for granted - but we couldn't live without them. By establishing this project we hope that Tanzanians will no longer have to either.


© 2018. Tanzaroo Community Library Project Incorporated INC 9893688 ABN 60805729477